The storage in the fridge cells occurs shortly after the product arrives in the machining stock. Each cell is daily monitored in terms of hygiene and temperatures. The company is provided with a two stages ammonia refrigeration system that uses glycol as a secondary refrigerant. Moreover, each cell is designed to ensure the maintenance of a high internal UR (~93-96%), which results into a lower reduction of fruit weight. In order to increase the shelf life of the products, especially for the kiwi, some fridge cells are equipped with an ozone system. The use of ozone has proved particularly effective as it is capable of acting in points hard to reach by traditional decontamination systems, facilitating the inhibition or destruction of molds and bacteria inside the refrigerated cells. In addition, due to its oxidizing power, ozone enables to inhibit or prevent the formation of molds, spores, viruses and bacteria, without leaving dangerous chemical residues on the fruits. The moisture content is maintained at a higher gradation to attenuate the decrease of both weight and aroma. Ozone allows to maintain unchanged the organoleptic characteristics of the products, preventing the growth of harmful microorganisms to the health of the fruits while degrading the ethylene produced by themselves: in this way the retention period is longer. To keep down the ethylene level in the cells (<0.02 ppm) it’s used the ethylene absorber which enables the protection of the food from the negative effects that ethylene has during the storage (it promotes and accelerates the ripening softening the flesh and degreening the chlorophyll). With the absorber it is also possible to eliminate other dangerous gases such as hydrocarbons and SO2. The fruits are always inspected and sorted before processing. The transportation to the appropriate places of storage is performed as quickly as possible. For all the goods it makes a rational stock rotation (depending on arrival date, its perishable nature and the state of conservation). In order to prevent deterioration, bacterial growth and cross-contamination during the arrangement in the cells or the warehouse: 1. Products are moved to storage depots in the shortest time possible; 2. The direct/indirect contact between foods of different commodity origin is avoided; 3. The staff always wears clean work clothes; 4. Equipment and storage rooms are properly cleaned and sanitized; 5. In the depots fruit and vegetables are always placed on platforms 15-20 cm off the ground. The stocks never exceeds the storage capacity of the various deposits. All the equipment and the storage rooms are sanitized, cool and dry. The storage temperature limits: + 4 ° C. Temperatures are daily checked by monitoring with a dedicated thermometer.
The product inside the bins is automatically inverted in the processing line and subjected to a first dry brushing operation: the product slides over brush rollers "not-rousing", for a dry-cleaning. This step allows to remove residual soil and pesticides and to improve the product aesthetic appearance by removing hair from the epicarp. The small size and the kind of brushes allow not to cause micro-cracks on the fruit, to promote the ethylene biosynthesis and thus to accelerate the maturation with significant modifications on the organoleptic quality of the fruit.
Through the calibration operation the fruits are selected for the weight. The operation is performed using mechanical sorters equipped with large cylinders from the net structure with meshes of a certain size, which, in the transition, discard small fruits sending forward only those with a larger size. The following is an example of sizing scale: match between fruits number and average weight for different sized packaging.
The procedures and packing time depend on the customer orders managed by the Administration Agent. The warehouse manager features notified processes through customer order management.
After the brushing and grading process the kiwi fruit can be subject of the following processes:
The product comes out the fresh-cut processing rooms after being weighed and labeled for traceability. In this area is located the washing step with drinkable water from the company well. The water treatment system uses U.V. The watermelons are submerged in the first washing tank, then individually transferred in the second tank before being sent to the automatic line process for the preparation in slices and the packaging. The rooms have the following size: ml 5 x ml 25. The use of interior storage destination is D / 10. The water of the processing facility comes from the company well regularly reported to the Province of Latina. The water used in the working process is dedicated exclusively for washing the watermelons before they enter the fresh-cut processing line for the production of packaged “sliced watermelon”. Every day are machined from 3 to 5 quintal of products. Considering an average weight of 8 Kg per piece, 62 watermelon enter the manufacturing process per day. Considering as necessary 3 liters of water per piece, 189 liters of drinking water are required per day. These are distributed into two washing tanks, the first one coarser, adding disinfectants, and the second one used to rinse. From the second washing tank the watermelons are moved to the processing room to be sent for trial. This water is monitored in accordance with Legislative Decree 31/2001. In order to have enough assurance of compliance with drinking water requirements, the water is analyzed to evaluate microbiological and chemical parameters annually. In the period before the start of the fresh-cut process (every May) a water analysis to ensure drinkability is made. The rooms used to process and stock the food have proper natural and artificial illumination system. The ventilation system is natural, to avoid condensation.
Pests affecting the company fall in the following classes:
The company also has an internal manager in charge of disinfection, which performs periodic tests and substitution of pest’s baits and traps. The equipment used are all equipped with conformity certificates stored on farm. Work surfaces coming in direct contact with food are kept in good condition and are all easy to clean and disinfect. All materials are smooth, washable, resistant and non-toxic.
By the operation of the calibration the fruits are selected by their weight (110g-130g). The operation is performed using mechanical sorters equipped with large cylinders from the net structure with meshes of a certain size, which during the operation discard the small fruits and send forward only those with a larger size. The following is an example of sizing scale: the following is an example of sizing scale: match between fruits number and average weight for different sized packaging.